6 Procedural guides you need to follow to Get a Tax Clearance Certificate

A Tax Clearance Certificate is a certificate issued by the relevant tax authority showing that you have been cleared of tax liability for the stated period. It is a free document issued at no cost, provided you have paid your tax to date.
The procedures for getting it are itemized as follows:
For individuals:-
1. Fill a form with Board of Internal Revenue of the State
2. Declare your income and get assessed to tax
3. Pay the assessed tax
4. Present your evidence of payment of the assessed tax
5. Apply for a TCC in the relevant tax authority
6. Once the authority ascertains that you have been cleared of tax liability, you are issue a TCC without delay.
For corporate body
1. Submit your audited account and tax computations by your consultant
2. Pay the computed tax
3. Present evidence of payment of the tax
4. Apply for TCC
5. The authority reviews your application and relevance documents
6. Once satisfied with your application and documents, you are issued a TCC
