Depreciation: Practice Question - Straight Line


i.      What factors determine the amount of depreciation to be charged on an acquired asset?

ii.            Kris bought an asset for $3,000,000 whose residual value is estimated to be $208,589. If the asset is expected to last for seven years, determine the annual depreciation chargeable against the asset.


i. Factors that determine the amount pf depreciation to be charged on an asset include:

1.   The asset is not purchased (acquired) with the prime intention of resale

2.   The economic useful life of the asset must cut across over one-year period

3.   The asset is purchased (acquired) for the production of goods or rendering of services

4.   The economic useful life of the asset is limited ie it has a life span

ii. Kris

Computation of Annual Depreciation

To compute the annual depreciation, we use the following mathematical formula

D = (c – s)


From the above formula,

D represents the annual depreciation to be computed

c represents the (purchased) cost of the asset

s represents the estimated residual value, and

n represents the number of useful life (in years) of the assets.

Thus, from the above, we deduce that:

c = $3,000,000

s = $208,589

n = seven (7)


D = (c – s)



D = ($3,000,000 –$208,589)


D = $2,791,411


D = $398,773

Annual depreciation is $398,773
