Quadratic equations – derivation of quadratic equation formula using completing-the-square method

We discussed earlier that the general form of a quadratic equation is given by the relation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
where a ≠ 0.
The reason why a must not be zero is that if ‘a’ = 0, the equation will no longer be quadratic. Click here to revise the lesson.
This general form is solved to derive the quadratic formula shown below 

The method of doing this is called completing-the-square method.
Now, let us solve and show how this is done.
Given that ax2 + bx + c = 0

Subtract c from both sides of the equation as follows
ax2 + bx + c - c = 0 – c
ax2 + bx = - c

Make the coefficient of x2 to be 1. To do this, divide through by a (the current coefficient of x2
